Archive for Sections

Civil 3D Fundamentals – Calculating Quantities from a Corridor

Lately, I’ve been seeing quite a few questions on the Civil 3D discussion group regarding volumes and quantities. Volumes can be pretty straightforward, but individual material quantities can be a bit more in-depth. Following the link will hopefully illustrate this process a bit better.

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New for 2008: Showing Structure Connected Pipes as Ellipses- Automatically- In Profile


 In 2006 and 2007 we could show pipes that crossed into our structures in profile, but doing so was a manual process. 

Once you got the pipe crossing into profile, you had to give up on structure style part masking in order to see that coveted ellipse.

In Civil 3D 2008, we now can build showing those connected parts as part of our style- so they show up and adjust automatically AND they show up even if structure masking is set!

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Simple Sampling Sends Scribbler Soaring

Anyone know how hard it is to find a synonym for the word “author” that begins with “S?” The above title may allude to that fact…

Anyway, now that I’m done with the literary shenanigans for today, I’m going to tell you more about enhanced section functionality in Civil 3D 2008. It’s simple and easy to do – I’m going to add newly created data to an existing section view.

Click more to find out how…

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Volume Labels on a Section View?

I’ve had people request a way to put volume labels on a section view before, but I had no really good way to do it. I thought that I had heard some rumblings in Manchester about being able to do that in Civil 3D 2008, but quickly glanced at it and forgot about it when I couldn’t find an easy way to do it. This morning on my drive in, sections were really on my mind for some reason, and I remembered wanting to be able to add the volume labels. So, I asked my good pal Nick Zeeben if it was there – he told me that it was, and where to find it. He even let me in on the secret, which I’ll let you people know in a few minutes. So, if you think you’d like to see a section view that has the information shown in the image below, click more to see how it’s done.

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ROWs…Right Now!

Well, this is it. My inaugural post here on I’m Matt Kolberg. Some of you may remember me from such self-help films such as “Smoke Yourself Thin” and “Get Confident Stupid”. It has been decided that my role here is “Guest Contributor, or “Special Poster”.  What that means is that I won’t be posting 24 hours a day like some of the other geeks in here. I’ll post when the wind is right or when Mercury is in retrograde. Ed: Or when James hits the publish button. Nothing like a smartass.

Enough about my life.  If you’re like me, you have used Land Desktop for many years, but dumped it faster than a one night stand when you discovered the wonders of the new kid on the block that is Civil 3D.  Except you want to see those little ROW lines in your cross sections that show you where your property lines are.  Where IS that toggle that turns then on?  There isn’t one. Read on for the details. Read more