Toolbar Treasure

This is for those who still use toolbars, even if the only one you use is for Transparent commands.  If you don’t use ‘em, move on to the next interesting thread.

Let’s say you turn off all but one of your toolbars and you want to turn on another.  If it’s docked, you can right click a blank area and you’re presented with a choice of toolbars, easy.


What if you turn off ALL of your toolbars?  No place to right click.  You could make a trip to the CUI and turn them on.  Not tough, not too much time, but a pain nonetheless.  Instead, have a look in the View ribbon tab, Windows panel.


Just as easy!

Enjoy the tip,
Matt Kolberg

One comment

  1. There is so much of the ribbon tabs that I haven’t even noticed until someone points it out. Great tip. I love my transparent command toolbar!