No Excuses- Sign up for the CAD Matinee

I’m finishing up my papers for the AUGI CAD Matinee in Philly on May 17, and I figured I’d just post one more time today to annoy James.

I live on the Eastern Shore.  For you non-Eastern Shore people, that means the I live on the peninsula that sticks down between the Atlantic Ocean and the Eastern Shore of the Chesapeake Bay.

Here is a map of my “Circle of Civil 3D”.  This is how far I am willing to drive in the morning in order to catch a great CAD or Civil 3D event.  This means I have to be pulling out of Donut Connection at 5:30AM.

Click more to find out how far YOU should be willing to drive.

And in all honesty, the circle should be more of an oblong shape, because if Manchester calls, I’d leave at 2AM.

This is how far I think I reasonable human should be willing to drive for a great day of CAD, Civil 3D, Matt Murphy, Yours Truly and some serious classes- not just another demo. 

So all of you wimps in DC, Baltimore, NYC, Reading, Allentown and everywhere else that aren’t willing to miss an hour of morning sleep to come to the CAD Matinee- snap out of it! 

Key Note is at 8:15AM, Industry Sessions begin at 9:45AM.

Go here to sign up.


  1. Murph says:

    OK I know you are a busy person, but why did you use Google Maps to clip those images from when you have a perfectly good MAPping program sitting right in front of you that will show more info. 🙂

  2. johnbeatle says:

    jsut thought id let you know that i love your website and that it is by far the best CAD blog out there. I am also happy to see that my hometown of VA Beach made it into your circle of trust.