You’ve Asked For It – Displaying Cut/Fill Values with DIFFERENT Colors

I normally don’t write “Hey, look what this guy’s posting!” articles, but this one is special, simply because it’s one of the coolest tips that I’ve seen for Civil 3D in a long time, and the whole world needs to know about it. Many people have asked for the old functionality of being able to list cut/fill values with different colors for cut and fill. We’ve been able to list spot elevations on a grid for a while, and for cut/fill values you would simply list those spots on a volume surface. People complained, though, that there was no visible difference (other than the negative sign) between cut values and fill values. Leave it to the genius that is called Peter Funk to come up with the answer – and thanks a LOT to Anthony Governanti for taking the time to document it on his blog. To see the workflow and set it up for yourself (or to download the template with the styles if you’re too lazy to set it up for yourself), go to Anthony’s Blog on the Civil Community Website.

Thanks, guys! Incredible work there…

ed. note – I finally got time to set it up, and continue to be impressed. It’s a VERY simple setup, and performs just as advertised. I made a minor modification – my cut is green and fill is red. Here’s a shot of what it looks like in action….the triangles represent my volume surface.


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